Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Meaning of French Fries - ACIM Lesson #2

Todays lesson is brought to you by In-N-Out Burger
I was wicked hungry after work today and decided to use one of the certificates i manifested (full details in this weekends blog post) earlier today at work. No strange looks and no one trying to rush me out even though it was the hight of lunch hour. Plus i figured i could use the change of scenery.

Todays exercise was glancing at objects around us (near and further away) and repeating to ourselves "I have given _______ the meaning that it has for me."

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fake It Till You Make It - ACIM Lesson #1

Technically that was not the exercise for lesson one, but after working through lesson one and reading the intro for the workbook that is going to be my mantra.

Like my last go around i am using a composition notebook to write down my takeaways and work through the exercises presented each day. The kind of, chaoticness of the bubbles and the lines actually helps organize my thoughts and puts them in a way that i can understand and attempt to make sense of.

Friday, September 26, 2014

It's Ok To Start Over


     Back in 2012 I started a blog to chronicle my journey as I worked through A Course In Miracles. I did a lesson a day and tried my hardest to post my notes from each lesson as well as my reflections from the lesson daily. Along the way though I got lost. I couldn't keep up with doing a lesson a day and I soon just gave up on the blog, and my lessons, entirely. 

  Between then and now i’ve toyed with the idea of starting the blog back up, but most importantly starting the lessons back up. It’s been a crazy time in my life (heartache, job market, what do I want to do with my life, etc) and I didn't want to dive back into it until I felt truly called to it by the universe. Now seems to be that time, but I will be attacking this in a new way.

#1 - It’s ok if I don't do a lesson every day. For whatever reason, I felt that I had to do a lesson a day or all would be lost. The course is set up like this but if you take an extra day or so to reflect on a particular lesson then thats ok. That is a permission I am going to give myself this time.